When your day is full of sunshine and laughter and everything is going ok the letter of that day should start with a J.….
Because J is the smile that stretches across your face, and the memory of you favorite place,
The feeling you get when you think of a summer day, and the sun’s rays on your skin as you go out to play.
J is the light that changed night to day and the wonderful future that is coming your way.
J puts me in a better mood and I feel like I don’t have to hide,
When I talk to her all I wanna do is show my feelings inside.
I’m a better person when I’m with her and I enjoy her by my side,
But she is far away now, I wish I could bring her back but my hands are behind my back and tied.
All I have now are memories and hope I will see her one day,
But for now, in my heart, J will always stay….
By: Leanna Johnson
One of my favorite people in the whole entire world wrote this poem for me...:)Thanks so much for this amazing piece of work. :D I love you Lea! I Miss her like crazy, and wish we could hang out all the time.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Perfect Day.
My day was today was such a wonderful day. The weather was SO nice! In the mid 70's and school was great because we didn't do anything! Once school was out I found out that I made it into MADRIGALS! This is the top choir in my school, only 4 sopranos, altos, tenors, and basses are chosen I was one of the four sopranos! yay! I've been seriously waiting for that moment when I knew I was in since like 6th grade when I first saw them perform...sigh....:):) and now I'm one of them! After school, David and I talked for a long time, and that was great. David is this guy I have a HUGE crush on..and he likes me a lot too..hehe. So he drove me home, and then when I got here, Abbie calls and wanted to go celebrate our AWESOME accomplishment of making it into Madrigals! So we went out and got chinese food. YUMMMM. Then headed to coldstone and got a LOVE IT! hehe so delicious. After that I came home, and couldnt stand being inside anymore, so I went out with my sister's camera (mine is dead at the moment...haha) and got a few pics of "almost to be summer..." It has been such a great day and tomorrow is already Friday! School is almost OUT and I CANNOT EVEN WAIT! Love you all so much. :)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I got the Exemplary Award!
So I had state last Saturday, and I received the exemplary award for my musical theater solo! I was soooooo excited about this! :D I's a very hard award to get, and the judge can only pick four people for the enitire day out of at least 100 solos that they watch. Now I get to go to Madison and sing for a music confernece. :D I felt so honored as was very surprised! Anyway, I thought I share that with you guys! Also, today I found out about if I made it into the top choir in my highschool. Only 12 girls make it in! Im nervous, so if you read this and you remember, I would greatly appreciate the prayers.. :) I love you guys, and life is going great. :)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
WEEK ONE: "The week of little Jars...aka JARRITOS!"

The first week, Abbie and I went to our favorite place in the world, el supermercado de mexico, y compramos Jarritos! haha translation, we went the the mexican super market and bought our favorite drinks, called Jarritos. We don't recommend the particular flavor we are drinking in the picture to the left, it taste kind of like vinegar, but hey if you wanna try it go right ahead. My favorite us guava. :) Try it sometime! It's great :)
Jenna and I went to an open field one night just because it was so beautiful out, and Jenna decided to start picking dandalions for my mom. She is such a little cutie, and I had to capture the moment... She is a sweetheart, and I wouldn't trade her for the world. I am so thankful for my wonderful family. :)

Prom was this past weekend and it was the best dance i have been to yet! I went with Nick, and no we're not dating, I'm not attracted to him anymore...he has changed A LOT. But that is a whole different story. ANYWAY, I loved getting all dressed up, and taking pictures with my best friends. :)I hope you enjoy these pics! :)Love all ya'll!
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